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Trump’s Confesses He’s Broke! Can’t Afford Appeal…

Trump’s Confesses He’s Broke! Can’t Afford Appeal…

Donald Trump has confessed he's too broke to fund the appeal of his civil fraud conviction. He simply doesn't have the money. He's broke. He's likely to be forced to sell his major properties. Trump offered the court 100 million dollars when he began his confession of fiscal decline. But the Court clearly understood that if he didn't have the money for the appeal, the litigants needed the protection from Trump's judgment insolvency.

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RNC Attacks Woman Of Color Nikki Haley On Racist Trump’s behalf.

RNC Attacks Woman Of Color Nikki Haley On Racist Trump’s behalf.

The RNC's racist elements - which is most of them - attacked woman of Color, Nikki Haley, and tried to end the GOP primary early.  While Trump and his supporters backed off because of backlash, it should not be lost on anyone that Donald Trump attacked and tried to end a major Presidential campaign opponent and woman of color. The GOP clearly has become the racist Party. Their racism didn't work this time. But as we've watched Trump attack people; women, people of color, states who need emergency assistance, but didn't vote for the the GOP President. These people have no boundaries. NONE!!...

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Former President Trump Losing Path EXPOSED In Iowa

Former President Trump Losing Path EXPOSED In Iowa

President Trump is vulnerable in the NH Primary, but his Iowa results have shown just how vulnerable he is in the general election. A former, recent, President should be able to earn many more votes than 51%. While Nikki Haley is relatively new on the Presidential scene, Trump is not. He’s been an incumbent. And supposedly, he’s very popular. But only 51% of the vote? Trump lost Iowa, especially considering he’s the only GOP candidate in Iowa who has been on that ballot three times. It was the first time on the IA ballot for the other contenders. That makes Trump’s performance a disaster for...

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SpankTheElephant.com provides campaign products to elect the best and brightest progressive candidates to the US Congress and Senate. That doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

Republicans have become the racist Party. They are fighting to keep Congress male and white, and they clearly care more about meeting their racist goals than they care about the issues of governing.

Of course there are exceptions to every rule. But the best way to win is with women candidates, and particularly women candidates of color. They’re not only more electable than old, boring, white males now, they are also the best way to make cultural change because of their example. And that is our primary target: Elect more women of color to Congress.

We offer many different technical services; accounting, FEC filings, social media, websites, and ecommerce. We also manage Super-PACS that raise our candidate’s favorability, and those Super-PACS mostly specialize in raising our candidates’ opponents’ negatives so Democrats don’t have get into the mud with them.

Please help our associated Super-PACs if you can.


Days Until 2024 Election day...








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