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Former President Trump Losing Path EXPOSED In Iowa

Former President Trump Losing Path EXPOSED In Iowa

Jan 15, 2024

President Trump is vulnerable in the NH Primary, but his Iowa results have shown just how vulnerable he is in the general election. A former, recent, President should be able to earn many more votes than 51%.

While Nikki Haley is relatively new on the Presidential scene, Trump is not. He’s been an incumbent. And supposedly, he’s very popular. But only 51% of the vote? Trump lost Iowa, especially considering he’s the only GOP candidate in Iowa who has been on that ballot three times. It was the first time on the IA ballot for the other contenders. That makes Trump’s performance a disaster for him.

While the national media want to parade Trump’s Iowa performance around like it’s some huge win. Good grief.

Let’s put this it in perspective. Most state’s can divide their respective electorates into three groups. Dems. Republicans. and Indies/unaffiliated. And Iowa breaks down like this: Democratic Party: 631,689 (30.31%), Republican Party: 718,901 (34.50%), Third Party/Other: 18,289 (0.90%), and Unaffiliated: 715,100 (34.31%).

The unaffiliated, Independent, and Democrats who participated in the GOP caucus was at between 3 percent and less. it’s reasonable to extrapolate the data to establish that Trump’s 51% of the GOP caucus probably means Trump was only good for 25% of an extrapolated, adjusted, general election IA vote, and that’s optimistic.

If Trump want’s to believe the odds that came out of IA’s results to tie his personal liberty to, he may want to run, not walk, to Jack Smith’s office to cut a deal.

Because 25% of the IA vote for a former President is just not good news for him. Quite the contrary.

Trump’s Iowa results is great news for Democrats, up and down the ballot.