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RNC Attacks Woman Of Color Nikki Haley On Racist Trump’s behalf.

RNC Attacks Woman Of Color Nikki Haley On Racist Trump’s behalf.

Jan 28, 2024

The RNC’s racist elements – which is most of them – attacked woman of Color, Nikki Haley, and tried to end the GOP primary early.  While Trump and his supporters backed off because of backlash, it should not be lost on anyone that Donald Trump attacked and tried to end a major Presidential campaign opponent and woman of color.

The GOP clearly has become the racist Party. Their racism didn’t work this time. But as we’ve watched Trump attack people; women, people of color, states who need emergency assistance, but didn’t vote for the the GOP President. These people have no boundaries. NONE!!

Trump’s Administration used unmarked vans to hold, interrogate, and intimidate peaceful protesters in the Black Life Matters protests of 2020. It doesn’t get any more big government than that. Trump’s Big-Brother government will be watching you. Clearly, Trump and his supporters are violent. BEWARE!

Business leaders who may be tempted to support Trump might want to notice Putin’s hand picked oligarchs who have been falling out windows lately. That’s how dictators run governments. Does anyone believe Trump would hesitate to do unthinkable things if he held dictatorial powers.

Taking your freedoms away is what dictators do…

First they came for Women of Color Presidential candidates….If they’ll try to do that to a Presidential campaign, they’ll come for YOU, too, eventually!